Dark Brick Wall
Bee Honeycomb

Robert W. Groves High School

2023 -2024 Digital Performance Portfolio

Label Design

Ms. LaWanda J. Allen

Business Education Teacher

Dark Brick Wall
Speed Lines Isolated

Course Syllabi

Speed Lines Isolated

Introduction to

Business Technology


Business Technology

Click Here Button with Cursor

Click Each Video

to Explore

Dark Brick Wall

Weekly Lesson Plans

Computer Monitor Icon
Computer Monitor Icon
Bee Honeycomb
Click Here Button with Cursor

Click Each Image

to Explore

Dark Brick Wall

Did Someone

Ask About

STEM Education Logo Banner on White Background


Business & Technology?

To View Sample Lessons Presented

Click Here Web Button
Dark Brick Wall
Green Post It Note

Student Teaching -

Students learn best from each other. Some of the topics covered students have first hand experience. I allow students to take the lead under my supervision with teaching the class. This practice helps strengthen classroom bonds by reducing the difference between teachers and students. It also gives students an opportunity to explore their leadership and oratory skills.

Orange Post It Note

Formative Assessments Through Gaming

Use of games such as Blooket and Kahoot engage students through interactive and enjoyable activities, promoting active learning, instant feedback, and intrinsic motivation, leading to deeper understanding and retention of concepts.

Bee Honeycomb
Blue Post It Note

Learning Management System

Use of BrightSpace helps to organize resources, facilitate communication, and track progress, offering personalized learning experiences, collaboration, and access to educational materials, enhancing student engagement and academic achievement..

Yellow Post It Note

Project Based Learning

Project-based learning fosters active engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration as students tackle real-world problems, leading to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge through hands-on, meaningful projects. This also allows students who don’t test well to demonstrate understanding of the standard without the fear of tests.

Red Post It Note

Favorable Seating Arrangements

It has been my experience this school year that students are more inclined to complete their work when there is someone familiar near them as well as if they are comfortable. My goal is to offer a variety of seating options next school year.

Personalized Learning Strategies


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Modern Text Box Template

Recently accepted into the Master of Arts in Teaching Program which leads to a renewable certification

Simple title frame

Attended and Participated in Various THRIVE I Full Day Sessions at Georgia Tech

Dark Brick Wall
Bee Honeycomb
Retro Halftone Camera Dotted Collage Graphic
Homecoming Game
Winter Concert
Rebel Nation

Supporting the Culture

8th Grade Rotation at Lower Woodville

Visiting a student at work obtained utilizing skills learned in IBT
Fall Festive w Rice Creek K 8
FBLA Six Flags Trip
Homecoming 2023
Dark Brick Wall
Spot lighting with black brick wall in background.

Reflective Journey: My First Year of Teaching

Embarking on my first year of teaching has been a transformative journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. As I reflect on the past months, I am reminded of the significant growth I've experienced, as well as the moments of success that have fueled my passion for education.

One of my notable challenges this school year has been my inability to complete lesson plans timely. Initially overwhelmed by the demands of planning, I dedicated myself to improving this skill, ultimately becoming more efficient and organized in my approach to curriculum development. Additionally, I recognized the importance of participating in professional development opportunities and networking with those outside of my immediate sphere. In doing so, I have sought out workshops and seminars to enhance my teaching strategies and expand my pedagogical knowledge.

Lastly, I am working on setting routine schedules for communicating effectively with parents. Understanding the vital role of parental involvement in student success, I am establishing regular channels of communication to foster a collaborative partnership between home and school.

Spot lighting with black brick wall in background.

Amidst these challenges, there have been moments of glowing achievement that have left a lasting impact on my teaching journey. Building positive relationships with my students has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my experience. By earning their trust and respect, I created a supportive learning environment where students felt valued and empowered to succeed.

Witnessing students apply what they've learned in class to real-life situations has been gratifying. Whether securing jobs or utilizing their newfound knowledge to navigate challenges, seeing the impact of my teaching reaffirms my dedication to education.

In addition to these successes, I am thrilled to have been accepted into the Master of Arts in Teaching program at Valdosta State University. This opportunity for further education represents a significant milestone in my career development and a testament to my commitment to continuous growth as an educator.

As I look ahead to the future, I recognize the importance of seeking additional mentorship to further my goals in the classroom. While my first year has been filled with accomplishments, I am eager to continue refining my practice and embracing new opportunities for growth. I am determined to do whatever it takes to become an even greater educator and make a meaningful difference in the lives of my students.

In summary, my first year of teaching has been a remarkable journey of growth, achievement, and self-discovery. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and a willingness to embrace challenges, I am excited to see where this path leads and to continue striving for greatness in the years to come.

LaWanda J. Allen